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Medical Travel Grant

AMCSI’s Medical Travel Grant assists families who are traveling for surgery related appointments. Reimbursement includes: ground transportation and lodging.
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Support Inc. (AMCSI) offers financial hardship assistance to individuals who meet the eligibility requirements and are experiencing a hardship that impacts their quality of life.

Eligibility requirements for the Medical Travel Grant:

  • Assistance is awarded to individuals with the diagnosis of arthrogryposis or to the direct family member of the affected individual.
  • Current registered member of AMCSI
    • All applicants MUST be a current member of Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Support Inc. If you are not a member, please click here.
    • Our members help make the community give back grants possible for hundreds of our AMC families.
      Your order # from eventbrite is your membership #. Membership is valid until December of that year. If you are unable to purchase your membership at the time you submit your application, we will deduct the membership fee from your award after approval.
  • Applicants must reside in the US or Canada
  • Proof of diagnosed condition of arthrogryposis

Applicants who are approved or denied may reapply every 12 months (certain conditions apply)

Applicants must demonstrate financial need and will be required to submit documentation

Grant amount varies based on available funds, stated need, and unanimous approval by AMCSI’s hardship committee during quarterly reviews.

Please allow 6-8 weeks for applications to be reviewed and finalized.

In some cases, emergency funding will be fast tracked (ie. RMDH closures due to pandemic)

The following are items can be reimbursed: (Week of scheduled surgery ONLY)
Ground Travel (Uber, Taxi, Lyft)
Car Rental

Items that will NOT be reimbursed:
Air Travel

Due to the number of applications we receive, we are unable to reimburse follow-up, therapy, or brace appointments at this time.

Medical Travel Grant Application Form

All (required) (*) documents must be sent to

Your application will not be processed until all required items are received.
Please do not email to check on the status of your application. We will reach out you if further information is needed.

Funding for this grant is available thanks to our AMCSI Members, Run 4 Jack, Rogers Run, 253 for AMC, Valerie Pepe’s AMC Bowl-A-Ton, Valerie Pepe’s AMC Music Festival and AMCSI’s Awareness Day campaign, Facebook birthday fundraisers & T-shirt sales.

Medical Information
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