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Happy AMC Awareness Day!

Medical Articles

Growth Charts for Children With Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita

By Lauren C. Hyer – MD, Emily R. Shul – PhD, Bob Fray – PhD,
& David E. Westberry – MD

Prenatal diagnosis (or lack thereof) of Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita and its impact on the perinatal experience of parents: A retrospective survey

by Sara LeminHarold J. P. van BosseLauren HutkaShea SoberdashJay Patibandla

Advocating for Your Child from Within the System

by Filiberto Ontiveros Jr.

Amyoplasia Revisted

by Dr. Judith Hall

Amyoplasia Uppers and Lowers

by Dr. Judith Hall

Arthrogryposis as a Syndrome: Gene Ontology Analysis

by Dr. Judith Hall

Biomechanics of Fetal Movement

by Niamh C. Nowlan, PhD

Rehabilitation needs of youth with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita: Perspectives from key stakeholders

Caroline Elfassy, Vasiliki Betty Darsaklis, Laurie Snider, Cynthia Gagnon, Reggie Hamdy & Noemi Dahan-Oliel

Research Briefs in Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita

Shriners Hospitals for Children

What’s New and Exciting in Arthrogryposis?

Dr. Judith Hall

Your Child’s Journey

Shriner’s in SC

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