Our AMC community fully funds all of our programs. We could not do any of this without the help of our membership, donors, sponsors, fundraisers, friends, and family. We appreciate each and every one of you.
AMCSI is a nationally recognized 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.
Please note that Zeffy does require a very small processing fee – At checkout, you will see the percentages. Please feel free to change the amount to $0.00 via their custom setting to deactivate the processing fee.
AMCSI Membership is NOT registration for our annual conference. Please follow the links on our website to purchase your conference tickets.
AMCSI Memberships are non-refundable, thank you for supporting our mission & vision.
Click on the button below to view the available Membership Options, right click to download it.
By becoming a member of AMCSI, you are helping us:
Provide Brochures in English, French and Spanish to our AMC Community as well as medical professionals, hospitals, NICUs, OB’s, and therapy facilities worldwide.
• Provide an up-to-date website with current information and resources to help assist our families in the latest interventions for AMC.
• Pave the way in international waters by attending or hosting meetings and conferences. We will also provide our international families support, information and knowledge through social media, our website, translated brochures and informational packets.
• Provide tools to help our AMC families to promote AMC Awareness Day on June 30th.
• Provide grant opportunities for our AMC community:
– AMC Mini Meetups, Events and Annual Conference
– Bereavement Fund (Financial Assistance to any family who has lost a loved one diagnosed with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita)
– Research Fund (Financial Assistance to our Medical Community with a special interest in researching arthrogryposis multiplex congenita)
– College Scholarship (Financial Assistance for Graduating HS Seniors)
– Medical Travel Grant (travel & lodging for AMC related surgery)
– Conference Grant (A limited number of grants to attend our annual conference may be available)
– Accessibility Grant
AMCSI’s annual membership is valid for one year from the time of purchase. Auto-renew is optional if selected at checkout. Please note that auto-renewal will be deactivated upon request or at the discretion of the AMCSI Board of Directors. Membership must be active before applying to any grant. Membership levels, as defined by AMCSI Bylaws., are approved by the AMCSI Board of Directors.
At the start of every year (January 1st), we will release our new membership programs and structure. Memberships will no longer include Lifetime Memberships, and all existing tiers will be on an auto-renewal basis. Those who are currently a Lifetime Member will be grandfathered in moving forward. We thank you for continuing to be a part of our community.
The last date to purchase a Lifetime Membership was December 31, 2022. If you have any questions, please email info@amcsupprt.org.
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Support Inc. (AMCSI)
P.O. Box 6291
Spartanburg, SC 29304
1-805-55-AMCSI (1-805-552-6274) | info@amcsupport.org
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Support, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
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